The Top Reasons for Visiting Your Dentist at the Start of Summer

May 23, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — smilesforlifeteam @ 2:21 am
Render of a tooth on a beach chair

Summer is a time for fun, but before you and your family start enjoying the season to the fullest, there’s one important thing you should do first: pay your dentist a visit. There’s never a wrong time to schedule a dental appointment, of course, but the start of summer is often a particularly good choice. Here are some of the biggest reasons why.

Summer Appointments are More Convenient

Most families have less structured schedules once summer begins, which means more flexibility when it comes to scheduling necessary appointments. Instead of pulling your children out of class, you can easily set aside some time to bring them to the dentist’s office. Furthermore, you don’t have to worry about your little ones missing school if they end up needing to rest for a few days after having certain dental procedures performed.

You Can Make Sure Your Teeth are Properly Protected

Do you find that you tend to enjoy a lot more sugary foods and beverages during the summer? Having a treat here and there is all well and good, but too much sugar can lead to tooth decay. However, there are certain steps your dentist can take to help protect your smile from cavities, such as performing fluoride treatments to strengthen your enamel and removing plaque and tartar buildup. Visiting your dentist is always an important step in keeping your smile safe.

You Can Potentially Avoid Summer Dental Emergencies

Your family’s summer fun could come to a halt very quickly if someone has a dental emergency. The good news is that in certain cases, you can avoid emergencies by having small problems treated early. During a routine dental visit, your dentist can look for minor dental issues. If they find any, they can explain what treatments are available to prevent the problem from growing any bigger. This makes it less likely that you’ll need urgent dental care during the upcoming summer months.

You Can Get an Early Start on Back-to-School Preparations

Certain schools require parents to provide proof of physical and dental checkups for their children. Some parents wait to schedule these appointments until school is about to start again. If you want to avoid the rush, you can get your child’s dental appointment out of the way at the beginning of their summer vacation. That way, you’ll have one less thing to worry about when you’re getting ready for the new school year.

About the Author

Dr. James T. Gray has more than 30 years of dental experience and is a proud member of numerous dental organizations including the Fort Worth District Dental Society. He has previously served as the president of the Arlington Dental Study Club. His Arlington practice welcomes patients of all ages. To schedule a consultation with Dr. Gray at the start of summer, visit his website or call (817) 460-4131.