TMJ Treatment Arlington

Customized Splints to Ease Jaw Pain

Senior man with jaw pain in need of TMJ treatment in Arlington

The temporomandibular joints (TMJ) are the two joints that attach the jaw to the skull bone, allowing people to comfortably speak, chew, yawn, and conduct other daily activities. When these joints are damaged or strained, the resulting condition is known as TMJ dysfunction (TMD), and TMD makes it difficult or painful for people to complete typical daily activities. At our office, we offer effective TMJ treatment in Arlington that relieve pain and restore full jaw mobility. We also work with specialists to treat more advanced cases of TMJ. Contact us to find out more or schedule an appointment.

Why Choose James T. Gray, DDS for TMJ Treatment?

  • Custom-Crafted Occlusal Splints
  • Dentist with 30+ Years of Experience
  • Caring & Friendly Dental Team

TMJ Diagnosis & Treatment

Dentist checking jaw joints of female patient

To begin treatment, we first need to determine if patients are suffering from TMD. We screen for this disorder as part of six-month checkups, but it’s important that patients let us know if they experience any of the warning signs of TMD, including:

  • Teeth grinding
  • Clicking or popping sounds when opening and closing the mouth
  • Inability or limited ability to open and close the mouth
  • Severe jaw pain
  • Pain that radiates throughout the neck, back, and head
  • Chronic headaches.

If patients exhibit symptoms, we’ll conduct a thorough visual, tactile, and X-ray examination to give an accurate diagnosis. If we determine that you have a more advanced case, we will work with specialists in the area to make sure you are taken care of.

Occlusal Splints

Holding an occlusal splint for TMJ disorder

One of the simplest and most effective techniques we offer to improve jaw mobility for TMD sufferers is to create a customized occlusal splint that shifts their jaw into the most comfortable resting position. These occlusal splints are worn during sleep when patients are most likely to unintentionally shift or clench their jaw putting undo strain on the TMJ. Additionally, daily wear can realign the resting position of the jaw to this more ideal set, decreasing discomfort and strain.