How Sleep Apnea Therapy in Arlington Can Fix Your Poor Sleep

December 15, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — smilesforlifeteam @ 9:23 pm

A couple sleeping.Sleep is essential to your productivity throughout the day. Without a full night’s sleep, you can become irritable, moody, and suffer from extreme fatigue when you need to get things done. If you’ve been getting to bed early, shutting off your phone beforehand, and doing other habits that promote sleep but are still waking up tired, you may need sleep apnea therapy in Arlington.

It can be difficult to recognize the signs of sleep apnea, especially if you live alone. Your dentist can provide guidance and treatments so you can take back your nights.

What is Sleep Apnea?

Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder that affects millions of Americans every day. This condition causes the cessation of breathing for several seconds throughout the night and causes your brain to elevate your blood pressure. Once this pressure hits a certain level, it triggers a panic response in the body that kick starts breathing and causes you to wake up.

This sleep interruption can happen in two different ways. The first is through a blockage in the airway known as Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA). The other form is called Central Sleep Apnea (CSA), which is when the brain fails to send signals needed to breathe. Keep these symptoms in mind if you believe you’re suffering from sleep apnea.

What are Common Symptoms of Sleep Apnea?

  • If you don’t sleep alone, ask your partner if you snore or gasp often in your sleep. This can occur if the air path at the back of your throat becomes too small, causing a “floppy” air path. When you sleep, all your muscles relax so your body can achieve deep sleep. If this air path becomes too small, your muscles are more likely to vibrate, which causes snoring. This symptom does not guarantee you have sleep apnea, but should be considered in tandem with the other common symptoms.
  • If you find yourself always tired, you may not be getting enough REM sleep due to sleep apnea. Every time you stop breathing, your body will push you into a lighter stage of sleep and out of REM sleep. You need REM sleep to feel rejuvenated the following morning, so losing it will only make you feel groggy and tired throughout the day.
  • Even if you’re laying off beverages before bed, your nighttime bathroom habits could be a sign of sleep apnea. Every time your body kick starts your breathing, it also releases a hormone that increases urination. Mention this habit to your doctor so they can provide a more thorough diagnosis.

What are Treatment Options for Sleep Apnea?

A common treatment for sleep apnea is a CPAP machine that you wear at night. This machine is designed to provide more oxygen during sleep and prevent you from waking up. If you find this device uncomfortable or too claustrophobic, you can also benefit from mouthguards from your dentist.

These custom oral appliances help keep the airway clear by shifting your jaw forward and placing pressure on your throat muscles. This holds them open, keeping them unobstructed and letting you breathe deeply so you can properly experience REM sleep.

To learn more about sleep apnea therapy in Arlington, schedule a consultation with your dentist!

About the Author

Dr. James T. Gray holds a bachelor’s degree in biochemistry from the University of Texas and earned his Doctor of Dental Surgery degree from the University of Texas Dental School at San Antonio. He also completed a five-month mini-residency in sleep medicine at UCLA and has been providing sleep apnea treatment to patients since 2006. To learn more about this practice, contact him at (817) 460-4131 or visit his website.