Questions to Ask Your Dentist in Arlington Re: Invisalign

September 30, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — smilesforlifeteam @ 11:53 am

smiling woman sitting at a table Sometimes, the hardest part about visiting the dentist is knowing what to ask. But if you are considering undergoing orthodontic treatment with Invisalign, there are probably a million and one things you’d like to know — like how long will the treatment take, and what’s it really like to wear clear braces? To help you get all the information you need, we have taken the time to put together a list of questions to ask your dentist in Arlington about Invisalign. We hope it helps!

Q: How Long Does Invisalign Take?

A: The total length of time it takes to complete the Invisalign treatment depends on the severity of your misalignment.

Invisalign can correct mild to moderate instances of:

  • Gapped teeth
  • Crowded teeth
  • Overbite, underbite, and crossbite

Some Invisalign cases take only 6 months, while others last for close to 2 years. Dr. Gray will let you know what you can expect during an Invisalign consultation.

Q: Can I Trust Invisalign?

A: In a word, yes! This treatment is so trusted, it’s been the orthodontic choice for over 4 million people worldwide. Invisalign is also FDA-approved.

Q: How Often Do I Have to Visit the Dentist?

A: While you are undergoing your Invisalign treatment, you will need to come into the office every six weeks or so for a routine checkup. We will take a brief look around your mouth to ensure your teeth are moving like they should, answer any questions you have, and then send you on your way! Fewer visits to the dentist are needed throughout the Invisalign treatment compared to conventional braces.

Q: What’s Life Like With Invisalign?

A: Our patients confirm that living with Invisalign is easy once you get into the routine. You wear the trays for 20 to 22 hours daily, removing them only to eat and drink. You should switch to the next tray in the series after two weeks — we will provide you with specific instructions regarding when to change aligners.

With Invisalign, it’s important to…

  • Clean the aligners every time before you put them in
  • Brush and floss your teeth before reinserting the aligners
  • Avoid exposing the trays to heat, which could cause the plastic to warp
  • Contact your dentist right away if you lose or damage an aligner

Q: What About After Invisalign?

A: Just like with conventional braces, you will need to wear a retainer after you complete the Invisalign treatment. Fortunately, the recommended Vivera retainer is clear and practically invisible — just like your Invisalign trays!

About the Author

Dr. James T. Gray is a local leader in general and cosmetic dentistry. To learn more about his services, including Invisalign in Arlington, or to schedule an appointment for superior dental care, please do not hesitate to get in touch with the office at (817) 460-4131.